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8 Must-Have Chatbot Features to Improve Customer Experience

November 29, 2022

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Automate Conversational Experiences with AI

Discover the power of a platform that gives you the control and flexibility to deliver valuable customer experiences at scale.

More than ever before, customers expect a near-immediate response to their questions and queries. In response to this, many businesses, healthcare providers, and more have turned to chatbots to provide a quick and efficient response. So much so that many customers will now expect to encounter a chatbot, with a staggering 80% of people have interacted with one at some point.

But when it comes to choosing the right chatbot for your site, what should you be looking for? There are a number of chatbot features that you should consider that will keep your customers happy while also giving you a modern approach to customer service.

Read on to find out more about excellent features, from security to sentiment analysis. This blog will explain to you everything you need to know before you choose the right chatbot for your website.

Which chatbot features will give your customers the best experience?

We’ve pulled together 8 must-haves when it comes to giving your customers a positive experience that they will remember.

The power of AI

There’s been a lot of talk about Artificial Intelligence (AI), but what does this mean for chatbots? When your customers are talking to a chatbot, they want to have an intelligent conversation; this is where conversational AI is combined with a neuro-symbolic approach.

Many current models need a large amount of data so that they can produce decent results; however, neuro-symbolic AI has created a new approach that merges existing technology with new developments to produce better results while using less data. You can learn more about neuro-symbolic AI and the experience your customers can expect here.

Sentiment analysis

You want a chatbot that can respond to the tone of the language that is used by your customer – are they speaking in a positive or negative way? How can the response to them be adapted without them speaking to an actual human? Sentiment analysis is the answer.

Using a technology called Natural Language Processing, the mood of the customer can be detected, and an appropriate response can be given. For businesses that are customer focused and those that have a strong social media presence, this can be crucial to an excellent customer experience.

Multi-lingual capabilities

You want to be able to communicate with as many people as possible on your website. Users are more likely to engage with conversational AI in their preferred language.

The benefit of using a chatbot that can understand users whatever the language they use, and provide them with automated, personalized support in their preferred language is enormous.

To find out more about our multi-lingual capabilities, including 30+ languages available, including Arabic, Chinese, Dutch, German, Korean, Polish, Spanish, and more, click here.

Integration with 3rd party apps

Apps are now an essential part of everyday life, which is why it’s crucial that chatbots can integrate with them harmoniously, which is why over the years, we’ve built our connections.

At Inbenta, we have our own one-stop portal marketplace AppHub, so that you can see, try, and install integrations to bring your conversational AI and customer interaction projects to a whole new level.

Personalization and transactional intelligence

Going hand in hand with chatbots recognizing tone and being conversational, your chatbot should enable you to benefit from personalization and transactional intelligence. Personalization will make the customer feel like they are an individual rather than just another customer.

But what benefit does transactional intelligence add to your customer’s experience? This feature in a chatbot automates transactions and simplifies the user experience by providing a quick, convenient channel for one specific purpose using natural language processing and symbolic AI. It is optimized to execute a limited number of specialized processes that replace the need to talk to an expert or use more complicated interfaces such as mobile apps or websites. This helps the customer to get what they need in a quick and efficient way.

Omnichannel capability

You want to ensure that the most urgent issues get dealt with first. Intelligent chatbots can help you to streamline support cases and add a direct live chat to your support stack, particularly when offering omnichannel capability.

An omnichannel chatbot can equip customer support channels with the use of a bot. With a combination of consistent knowledge and the right response format for each channel, whether that’s an email, social media, or over the phone, there is consistency across all of your channels, giving excellent customer support.

Escalation to Live Chat

While chatbots are great and, on many websites, answer between 80 to 90% of questions, there are times when you need to speak to a person; perhaps the problem is complex, or you can’t quite get what you need from a chatbot – it happens! For this, it’s a good idea to be able to escalate from chatbot to live chat without the option to speak to someone customers can get frustrated, which isn’t a recipe for success!

Thankfully our solution provides this option seamlessly, including the opportunity for users to start a synchronous conversation over live chat and continue it later over asynchronous email.

Data Privacy and Security

You want to make sure that you’re partnered with a business that understands the importance of the privacy of your customer’s data and the importance of security.

At Inbenta, we are committed to safeguarding your data and the personal information of your users. Our technology, infrastructure, and processes are continuously being monitored and improved, with security being the main focus. We are certified by third-party specialists in Information and Cloud security.

Inbenta is compliant with EU General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 (GDPR), and our US office branch is certified under the Privacy Shield US-UE Agreement. Inbenta is also compliant with the California Consumer Privacy Act, Cal. Civ. Code §§ 1798.100 et seq. (the “CCPA”).

All data processed at Inbenta is encrypted both in transit and at rest.

These are just a few of the things you should consider when looking for the perfect chatbot features for your website, business, and more importantly, your customers. To find out more about the Inbenta Chatbot solution and how it can benefit your business, request a demo or enjoy a 14-day free trial.

Automate Conversational Experiences with AI

Discover the power of a platform that gives you the control and flexibility to deliver valuable customer experiences at scale.

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